Blackwork Skull Tattoo by Lachie
Traditional Skull Explosion Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell, shows us again why he is so highly regarded for his Traditional Tattoos, Lachies wealth of knowledge and extensive collection of books and reference material means he is always one step ahead of the rest.
Tibetan Inspired Backpiece Tattoo by Lachie Grenfell
Mans Ruin - Lachie Grenfell
Lachies ability to put a new spin on classic designs is unmatched, take this mans ruin tattoo as a perfect example.
Gap Filler Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Think you are done getting tattooed, all full up? Come down and see Lachie who will happily find some empty space and draw something on to fit, like this little winged skull gap filler.
Skull and Swallows Vintage Flash Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Lachie recently did this traditional skull with swallows tattoo, this design came straight from Lachie's flash book, which has hundreds of similar designs, if you love all things traditional be sure to come down to our North Melbourne Shop and have a look through his books.
Devil Skull Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Another Addition to this Black and Red Traditional Sticker Sleeve that Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell is working on.
Lachie has Loads of similar flash designs ready to go, if you are after a new piece but not sure exactly what come down to the shop and have a look through his books.
Traditional Blackwork Tattoo by Lachie Grenfell
If you love american traditional tattoos and dont have one by Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell, You should!
This Skull and dagger tattoo was straight from Lachie's flash book which has hundreds of available designs ready to go.
Traditional Anatomical Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
More anatomical Madness tattooed by Lachie Grenfell, Recently some of Lachies Anatomical Tattoos and Artwork were Published in Wendy Birch and Emily Evans Book Titled "The Anatomical Tattoo"
Traditional Grim Reaper Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Here is a perfect example of a Classic Traditional Reaper Tattoo, Taken straight from Lachie Grenfell's book of available Tattoo Designs. Come by the North Melbourne Tattoo Shop to discuss your next idea with Lachie.
Shark & Skull
Lachie Grenfell is always ahead of the curve when thinking up new ideas on classic tattoo designs such as sharks and skulls.
Blackwork Statue Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Blackwork tattoos are here and in huge demand. Lachie is definitely one to look out for in when you're after strong bold designs.
Head Anatomy
Who doesn't enjoy a blast over?
Whether you call it a cover up or a blast over, Lachie Grenfell did an amazing job of this abstract religious design.
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