Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell, shows us again why he is so highly regarded for his Traditional Tattoos, Lachies wealth of knowledge and extensive collection of books and reference material means he is always one step ahead of the rest.
Mans Ruin - Lachie Grenfell
Lachies ability to put a new spin on classic designs is unmatched, take this mans ruin tattoo as a perfect example.
Traditional Ed Hardy Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Lachie Grenfell is Back at it again, with this perfect Traditional piece based off some classic Ed Hardy flash
Traditional Gap Filler Tattoo
Another great example of why you should come see Lachie Grenfell for your next gap filler tattoo, Lachie always takes the time to draw something unique and that will fit between your existing tattoos perfectly!
Gap Filler Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Think you are done getting tattooed, all full up? Come down and see Lachie who will happily find some empty space and draw something on to fit, like this little winged skull gap filler.
Sailor Jerry Duck Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Classics are Classics for a reason and this Traditional Duck Tattoo is no exception, re drawn from Old Sailor Jerry flash and Tattooed by Melbourne Tattooer Lachie Grenfell.
Skull and Swallows Vintage Flash Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Lachie recently did this traditional skull with swallows tattoo, this design came straight from Lachie's flash book, which has hundreds of similar designs, if you love all things traditional be sure to come down to our North Melbourne Shop and have a look through his books.
Devil Skull Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Another Addition to this Black and Red Traditional Sticker Sleeve that Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell is working on.
Lachie has Loads of similar flash designs ready to go, if you are after a new piece but not sure exactly what come down to the shop and have a look through his books.
Red and Black Traditional Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
More classics designs done by our inhouse traditional tattoo guru Lachie Grenfell.
American Traditional Skull Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Traditional Blackwork Death-Head Moth Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Perfectly placed, Death head moth tattooed in Lachie Grenfell's notable traditional style.
Japanese Hannya Mask Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Another Take on a Traditional inspired Hannya Mask Tattoo, this is a staple in Melbourne Tattooer Lachie Grenfells aresenal of creative and perfectly executed Japanese Tattoos, if your looking for anything Japanese come down to our North Melbourne Shop and have a chat with Lachie.
Bakeneko Yokai Tattoo
Traditional Blackwork Tattoo by Lachie Grenfell
If you love american traditional tattoos and dont have one by Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell, You should!
This Skull and dagger tattoo was straight from Lachie's flash book which has hundreds of available designs ready to go.
Traditional Anatomical Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
More anatomical Madness tattooed by Lachie Grenfell, Recently some of Lachies Anatomical Tattoos and Artwork were Published in Wendy Birch and Emily Evans Book Titled "The Anatomical Tattoo"
Redback Spider Tattoo done - Lachie Grenfell
The redback spider, also known as the Australian black widow is a species of highly venomous spider believed to originate in the South Australian or adjacent Western Australian deserts, but now found throughout Australia.
Traditional Blackwork Back Piece Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Lachie Grenfell recently finished this large traditional back piece, Tattoos of this scale take hour and hours of commitment from both the tattooist and client, Lachie is always eager to start Large scale work, so if you are looking to start your next tattoo journey be sure to come down and have a chat to Lachie.
Traditional style Wolf Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
If you are after a traditional tattoo you can't go past Vic Market Tattoos very own Lachie Grenfell, Lachie has pages and pages of flash designs just like this drawn up and ready to go, so come down to our North Melbourne Shop and have a look for yourself!
Traditional Eagle Tattoo by Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell
Traditional style tattoos have long been popular, and for good reason. A classic eagle tattoo is no exception to that. VMT's very own Traditional Tattoo guru Lachie Grenfell is constantly Honouring the History whilst ensuring you go home with something new and unique.
Classic Traditional Flash Tattoo Done by Lachie Grenfell
This Classic Nurse Tattoo has been drawn and tattooed as flash by many of the Greats over the last century, Sailor Jerry, Spider webb and paul rogers just to name a few. Our very own Lachie Grenfell got to tattoo it recently and put his own spin on it.
Traditional Rose Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Lachie Grenfell always has lots of Tattoo Flash Designs drawn up ready to go, this Rose and banner tattoo was straight out of Lachies book, and if your not ready to commit to a word or name, easy Leave it blank until you are!
Classic Sailor Jerry Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Swallow tattoos have long been an incredibly popular choice for sailors, Navy Men and tattoo enthusiasts alike, Like does this classic design Justice with his recent interpretation of a Sailor Jerry design.
Classic Sailor Jerry Design Tattooed by Lachie Grenfell
Classics are classics for a reason, Here is Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell's take on a old Sailor Jerry design.
Traditional Black work Stomach Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Lachie Grenfell enjoys tattooing in both colour and black and is proficient in both as you can see here with his rendition of father time tattooed on his clients stomach.
Traditional Flower Head Tattoo By Lachie Grefell
Your idea or his, Melbourne tattooer Lachie Grenfell is up for anything come down to our North Melbourne Tattoo Shop and have a look through his many available flash designs.
Drawn on Gap Filler Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Another example of why Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell should be the only person to see when it comes to filling in your gaps, here you can see Lachie has taken the time to draw in this design so that it fits perfectly between two older tattoos.
Ship and Eagle Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
If Traditional Tattoos are you style then you can't go past Lachie Grenfell, You can usually find Lachie at our North Melbourne shop, head down drawing New flash daily.
Gap Filler Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Filling a small Gap between existing Tattoo's can be hard but not for Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell, which is evident here with this traditional rose tattoo placed in between some other great Melbourne made tattoos.
Traditional Cry Baby Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Classics are classics for a reason and Melbourne Tattooist Lachie Grenfell has proven that with his take on this Traditional Cry Baby Tattoo.
Traditional Grim Reaper Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Here is a perfect example of a Classic Traditional Reaper Tattoo, Taken straight from Lachie Grenfell's book of available Tattoo Designs. Come by the North Melbourne Tattoo Shop to discuss your next idea with Lachie.
Nautical Eagle Tattoo By Lachie Grenfell
Nautical tattoos have been around for over 100 years, they are truly timeless tattoo designs that have stood the test of time. If you've ever been worried about your tattoo design going out of style, then traditional tattoos and nautical tattoos are for you.
Panther Tattoo
As far as traditional tattoos go, it doesn't get any better than a classic panther tattoo design. this one tattooed recently by Lachie Grenfell.
Classic Rose Tattoo
Sometimes all you need to fill a space in between two tattoos, is some classics like a rose and a swallow. They sit well with most other tattoos, and people have been getting them for over one hundred years now, so you know they aren't going to go out of style any time soon.
Hannya Mask Stomach Tattoo
Revolver Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Filling gaps between several other tattoos, is a tricky task some times. Too many Melbourne tattoo artists get lazy and just run their tattoos over the surrounding ones, rather than redrawing it, so that it fits properly.
Stray Cats Cover-Up Tattoo
Although this is not exactly a cover up, it is what we would call a "blast over". The idea of a tattoo like this is to do a strong tattoo over the top of a weaker tattoo, simply to draw attention away from the old faded tattoo.
Sailor Jerry Shark Tattoo
Classic Sailor Jerry tattoo flash reworked by Lachie Grenfell. Classic designs such as this shark tattoo, have been used for tattoos for almost 100 years now. Trends in tattooing come and go, but a design like this will stand the test of time.
Hand Tattoo by Lachie Grenfell
Classically placed hand tattoo by Lachie Grenfell
Tattoo Flash Ready To Go
Lachie Grenfell has many designs available and ready to go, so if you're struggling to come up with that perfect idea, come see if Lachie's got something in his sketchbook ready to go for you.
Penguin Tattoo
A great tattoo can be easily made with strong elements of traditional tattooing and cute bold characters for simple context, as seen here in this penguin tattoo by Lachie Grenfell.
Grim Reaper Tattoo
The perfect trad tattoo walk in. It doesn't get much better than a grim reaper tattoo. Done recently by Lachie Grenfell.
Snake Filler
Lachie recently did this snake tattoo filler at the Rites Of Passage tattoo convention in Melbourne
Shark Battle Royale
Shark tattoos are an absolute classic in the world of traditional tattoos. And the same goes for snakes. to combine them is a rare sight, but leave it up to Lachie Grenfell, and he will pull it off.
Hand & Dagger
Another well thought out tattoo idea be Melbourne tattooist, Lachie Grenfell. This time with a hand and dagger tattoo
Gypsy Girl
Gypsy girl tattoos have been a staple of the tattoo industry for over 100 years now. If you ever want a tattoo that will stand the test of time and never look dated, something like this is simply perfect. Tattooed in Melbourne at the Rites of Passage Tattoo Festival by Lachie Grenfell.
Shark & Skull
Lachie Grenfell is always ahead of the curve when thinking up new ideas on classic tattoo designs such as sharks and skulls.
Hanya Mask
Blackwork Statue Tattoo - Lachie Grenfell
Blackwork tattoos are here and in huge demand. Lachie is definitely one to look out for in when you're after strong bold designs.
Head Anatomy
Wounded Man
Classic medieval imagery was used as a reference for this bold traditional tattoo by Lachie Grenfell.
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