Traditional Bear Head Tattoo - Kane Berry

Traditional Bear Head Tattoo - Kane Berry

This Traditional Bear Head Tattoo Across the shin is a perfect example why Kane Berry is considered one of the Neatest Tattooers around,  But don't Just take our word for it! You can check out what New Idea Magazine had to say about our very own Kane Berry with the link below.

Gap Filler Tattoo - Kane Berry

Gap Filler Tattoo - Kane Berry

Caught between a rock and a hard place, got a tough gap to fill that you think nothing will fit in? No problem just come down and see Kane Berry who can draw you something to fit your space perfectly like some blueberries, why not?

Classic, Traditional Style Rose Tattoo - Kane Berry

Classic, Traditional Style Rose Tattoo - Kane Berry

Although the rose tattoo carries a plethora of meanings today, it used to be most know, for representing love. It's said, the rose tattoo gained popularity in the 1930s because sailors often got them tattooed on their bodies as reminders of their wives, girlfriends, and mothers.

Your Idea or Mine, Melbourne Tattooer Kane Berry

Your Idea or Mine, Melbourne Tattooer Kane Berry

A Lot of the time Tattooists are presented with customers ideas and they will have to explain that there concept just wont work, that is unless you are Melbourne Tattooer Kane Berry who can and will bring any Tattoo concept to fruition, Like lets say a wild boar fishing for a shark who is also fishing for that same boar....

Ladder Portal Flash Tattoo by Kane Berry

Ladder Portal Flash Tattoo by Kane Berry

Another perfectly executed tattoo by Melbourne's craziest cat loving Tattooist Kane Berry, this Tattoo was straight out of his available flash designs. Come down to our North Melbourne shop and look through his other available designs.

Vegan Spider Tattoo by Kane Berry

Vegan Spider Tattoo by Kane Berry

Do you have a idea for a new Tattoo but think its just too weird a request, Nothing is too strange, bizarre, kooky for Kane Berry, this Tofu Spider Tattoo is the perfect example.

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